The primal-endless world-system is animated, illuminated and pervaded by a divine life and organized and governed by a divine or divine law. All the codes of conduct of human life and religious, social, economic, political, educational etc. other human institutions and practical existence should be based on this spiritual outlook and spiritual ideal. Spirit in inertia, unity in diversity, stability in action, renunciation in loving service, this is the message of the heart of Bharatvarsha to the world.
This message, emanating from the heart of Bharatvarsha, reached all parts of the earth and showed the path of spirituality and unity to people of all classes and castes in all ages of history.
Yogi Guru Gorakshanath, the eternal Mahayogeshwar Adinath became an incarnation of Shiva. He was one of the most powerful and remarkable propagators of this dignified message, which Mother India was blessed to have given birth to. His teachings are as useful and attractive in the present age and in the present conditions of life as they were thousands of years ago, when they are believed to inspire and move people in their sacred physical bodies.
He founded a monastic institution of the Sarvatyagi Nath Sampradaya Yogis, which is known as the Siddha-Yogi, Nath-Yogi or Avadhoot-Yogi Sampradaya. It is the most comprehensive and living monastic system among the institutions of India till date. There is no province or part in this vast country where there are no active centers of Nath sect. The Nath sect has given birth to Mahasiddha yogis with amazing spiritual power from the time of the great founder to the later generations.
Gorakshanath ji, as a representative of the soul of Indian culture, presented the ideal of yoga to humanity as a means and end of human life.
Goraksha Shaktidham Sevarth Foundation has accepted Mahasiddha Guru Gorakshanath Ji Maharaj as its ideal conscience for the energetic inspiration of efforts towards its objectives.

Help these kid’s get
back to school

We still have a few more charitable rounds to go before kids can return to normal. In the meantime, we are so grateful to everyone who participated in the fundraiser.